I'm just gonna leave this here...


On 10/16/2016 9:12 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

I have no input on pundit agendas. Just the simple fact of the the matter the 7s economy drives the majority of all national economies if for no other simplified reason than our gluttony. And our military provides the vast majority of international security directly or indirectly, should we fall, which we potentially are on the brink of (tin foil off, look at the original content of this thread) it would be a global catastrophe, between the caliphate and the sheer volume of potential dictators itching for a pull at a trigger if that basted behemoth in North America would just get off their ass. It's not blind patriotism, it's non liberal blinded realism. Good or bad, the US is the most bad as force in the history of the planet mother nature aside. Remember, a few hundred years ago, we took the planets driven and aggregated them into a single geological locale it's not happenstance or ignorant blinders that makes us the number one superpower it's genetics.

On Oct 16, 2016 8:25 PM, "Paul Stewart" <p...@paulstewart.org <mailto:p...@paulstewart.org>> wrote:

    Not really … I was referring to my point about how often Americans
    think the world revolves around them….

    When the US housing crisis hit (and it was very sad, I’m not
    suggesting there was anything positive about it) …. CNN and other
    news outlets were making references that this would drive Canada
    and other countries into bankruptcy because of out of control
    Mortgages and other stuff going on.  This was the furthest thing
    from the truth … Canada, in particular, has much stronger banking
    laws/regulations than the USA does (even today) - there was still
    pain that was felt but nothing on the scale that the media kept
    talking about ..

    For me personally, this example did hurt badly .. I owned a
    consulting company based in the south and employed 26 people (all
    American) at the time … when the housing crisis hit, so did a
    significant number of bad debts and this ultimately led to me
    closing the company, but not before I made sure all my employees
    were looked after financially to help “weather the storm”.

    I know it sounds like I’m picking a fight here about what country
    is best, has the largest military, has the most money etc …. not
    at all ….  my point was just that a lot of Americans think there
    are no other countries that can compare - this is something that
    many of my American friends are the first to point out as being
    wrong …. and I agree.  Before you think this is a “typical
    Canadian” talking here - I once had dual citizenship and was quite
    proud of that.  I have also travelled the world fairly extensively
    and seen many countries/cultures…

    Just one person’s opinion….


    On Oct 16, 2016, at 9:01 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm
    <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com <mailto:thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    So you see the point then.

    On Oct 16, 2016 7:42 PM, "Paul Stewart" <p...@paulstewart.org
    <mailto:p...@paulstewart.org>> wrote:

        Rest my case….

        On Oct 16, 2016, at 8:37 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm
        <mailto:thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Our dollar it does, our military it did. Might and money are
        the only two things that actually control globalism. Name
        one single country that would not have a major impact if we
        pulled either from the global stage. . None is the answer

        On Oct 16, 2016 7:31 PM, "Paul Stewart"
        <p...@paulstewart.org <mailto:p...@paulstewart.org>> wrote:

            Not sure I agree with this …. the US is one very large
            and powerful country yes … but (and I’m not trying to
            stir controversy here despite it sounding like it) it’s
            one country out of many … and there are many other large
            and powerful countries out there.  I’m not saying that
            the US isn’t a major player and that some countries hurt
            more than others when things happen in the US but the
            “world” doesn’t centre around the US as much as
            Americans seem to think it does

            On Oct 16, 2016, at 7:15 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm
            <mailto:thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for
            the majority of the planet who has become accustomed to
            riding the coat tails of the US in one major way or
            another. If and when we fall, it will be a disaster

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