And that is the problem. People continue to think they need to vote for the 
lesser of two evils, never realizing they are still voting for EVIL!

Vote for anyone but these two idiots. 

But, but, but…… the other candidate that I hate more will win!

Big deal, what is more important to you:

A. The less evil guy is in the White House

B. Looking yourself in the eye and being proud you didn’t take a dump on your 

No matter who wins, don’t blame me, I’m not voting for either one.

On Oct 20, 2016, at 7:39 AM, Steve <> wrote:

> Being a well informed Canadian all I can do is look at the United States and 
> feel very very sorry for you.  This is the best you have to offer.  You are 
> forced into picking the lesser of two evils again and YES both are evil... 
> even though one is a little more evil than the other.  
> But I would choose to vote for someone who has a history of not killing 
> people. There is a trail of lies, deceit and murder behind Hillary and her 
> husband that cannot be put back into power. As far as I know Trump has never 
> done anything to kill anyone through action or inaction. 
> Not to mention if the Russians love Trump so much - wouldn't it be in your 
> best interests to have a very good relationship with Russia?  To do 
> meaningful business with them?  
> I'm just thinking from a historical and a logical perspective.  
> Trump is no saint.  I think Trump is a narcissists with his own self 
> interests at heart and will say whatever it takes to get into office.  Its 
> almost as if he was a clown they threw in there to ensure that Hillary gets 
> elected. I don't think Hillary would beat any real Republican though.  
> So in conclusion after seeing all the evidence of voter fraud, the wikileaks 
> material that this entire system is indeed rigged.  This makes me very very 
> sad.  
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Reichhart" <>
> To: "af" <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 9:24:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [OT][Politics]
> Mike 
> I think you need to do your research on Soros if you didnt you really dont 
> have much to say either. Sorry its the truth.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Mike Hammett" <>
> To:
> Date: 10/20/16 09:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [OT][Politics]
> People that bring up Soros or the Koch brothers are immediately punted as not 
> having anything worthwhile to say.
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> The Brothers WISP
>  From: "Tim Reichhart" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 8:11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [OT][Politics]
> You all forgot to say the media as been against him and used his words 
> against him so this is why you dont believe what MSM (main street media) 
> spits out from there mouths they are all paid by same people (to create 
> lies). Reason why I say this is because everybody in DC is scared of trump 
> because they know that there career can be gone very soon. Also George Soros 
> where do I even start with him....? Basically he came out on video stating 
> that trump will win the election but Killary is a done deal basically what 
> that means Killary will get into the WH which is very sad.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Lewis Bergman" <>
> To:
> Date: 10/20/16 09:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [OT][Politics]
> Wow. Gentleman. I watched the whole debate, maybe not as intently as some, 
> but I did watch it. I really didn't see anything to get so upset 
> about.Hillary turned in the performance expected meaning very good demeanor, 
> logical well thought out positions. I don't agree with most of them and 
> evidently "facts" are not what they used to be. Face it, both these clowns 
> couldn't spot a fact if it slapped them with a cold fish.
> Trump. Well, he turned in a much better performance than the previous debates 
> and if there were 5 he might actually come off pretty good by the last one. 
> Still submitted to his basic desire to talk about himself and his stuff. He 
> had some good points but missed opportunities to take Hillary down a notch by 
> talking about himself. I can't believe he didn't counter the whole Russian 
> wiki leaks thing with the fact the US pressured to have Assange shut down 
> after denying it. On the other hand, I don't know anyone who thought that 
> didn't happen. The US is on record against him already.
> They both are living in some fantasy world where you can say and do whatever 
> you want and it all balances out in the end. Free college? Yea no problem, 
> costs nothing. Double the size of the military? Why not, growth covers 
> everything. National debt? Yea we reduced it. What? Its twice what it was 8 
> years ago? No it went down? 
> Every politician does this crap. D and R. I got kicked off a conference call 
> with our congreeman two years ago for pointing out the ludicrous lack of math 
> skills he possessed.
> Mutt. Thank God we still have the freedom in this country to open our mouths 
> and prove ourselves the idiots we are. If you want to call the president a 
> Mutt or most anything else in a gathering of friends go for it. Anyone hoping 
> to have the office ought to understand the obligation to treat the office 
> with decorum and respect. The whole rigged thing is just stupid. I understand 
> where he is coming from with the love fest much of the media has with 
> anything on the left but come on. So if you win is that rigged? I believe in 
> voter ID laws but that doesn't mean it is such a huge problem it is enough to 
> change the course of an election.
> In the end, I don't think he did enough to sway the middle 20% or so he needs 
> half of. What a mess.I wonder what our debt will be after the next 8 years. 
> We are almost to the point now that interest rates will always be zero. The 
> US government can ill afford "normalized" interest rates due to the size of 
> the debt. I honestly can't see how anyone's involvement with running the 
> government can be viewed as positive. What a mess. I really believe that is 
> why truly worthy people refused to get involved. Nobody with a great 
> reputation wants to be involved in a no win scenario. Well, maybe Romney but 
> he is truly an exceptional person. I wish that is what we had running, 
> exceptional people in a positive way instead f what we have.
>  On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 1:45 AM Bill Prince <> wrote:
> The Supreme Court did all the intercourse that year.
> bp <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com> 
>  On 10/19/2016 9:36 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller wrote:
> As did Al Gore in 2000?
> ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Jaime Solorza 
>  To: Animal Farm 
>  Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 9:41 PM
>  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [OT][Politics]
> He fucked himself with vote question... 
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:29 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:
> Goes to character...cheat on wife cheat on all 
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:13 PM, "Lewis Bergman" <> wrote:
> I don't know. I don't about laughing. I think they are likely shocked and 
> fearful.
>  On Wed, Oct 19, 2016, 9:07 PM Josh Reynolds <> wrote:
> We have two lying, cheating, disrespectful sociopaths on stage right now. 
> Neither one can answer a straight question with a straight answer.
> They BOTH likely belong in jail, not running for the highest office in the 
> United States.
> This is terrible. Disgraceful. We are the laughing stock of the world.

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