shadow server is going down for a week isnt it to move their data center,
expect the exploits to be strong
i just ran that caida app the other day, our office firewall got pretty mad

Sign up at shadwoserver sean

Im demoing scrutinizer right now, but waiting on the actual quote, i think
it will end up too cost prohibitive but man does it have some nice
monitoring and alerting

Expect to see a whole lot more nastiness as the election gets closer, alot
of dogs are going to be wagged before its over

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Sean Heskett <> wrote:

> I think instead of naming and shaming you'd get more traction if you
> informed and taught them how to prevent and stop this traffic.
> Many WISPs don't have the technical know how (or time) to even realize
> it's happening.  They are just trying to get customers connected.
> I know my network isn't perfect and I'd gladly submit a list of subnets I
> control to a group that would be willing to tell me what's wrong and how I
> can fix it so I'm not part of the problem.
> 2 cents
> -Sean
> On Friday, October 21, 2016, Mike Hammett <> wrote:
>> There's another large DDoS going on now. Go to this page to see if you
>> can be used for UDP amplification (or other spoofing) attacks:
>> Go to these pages for more longer term bad behavior monitoring:
>> Maybe we need to start a database of ASNs WISPs are using and start
>> naming and shaming them when they have bad actors on their network. This is
>> serious, people. Take it seriously.
>> -----
>> Mike Hammett
>> Intelligent Computing Solutions <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> Midwest Internet Exchange <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> The Brothers WISP <>
>> <>
>> <>

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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