So far, it looks like is a good one to work 
with. I know that it stops the store from loading, but I'm not yet sure if it 
stops the store from updating. Hopefully it doesn't update via other methods.

-----Mike HammettIntelligent Computing SolutionsMidwest Internet ExchangeThe 
Brothers WISP

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Hammett <>
Sent: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 10:00:03 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [AFMUG] Microsoft Store DNS

Do any of you know what DNS the Microsoft store users? I need to block access 
to the Microsoft store to prevent application updates. Blocking access to it 
through layer 7 inspection of DNS would seem to be the most effective.

-----Mike HammettIntelligent Computing SolutionsMidwest Internet ExchangeThe 
Brothers WISP

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