Lewis Bergman wrote:
> At the root is that you somehow believe government involvement is always good.
  Now don't you go putting words in my mouth!
  I never said such a thing. 

  I do not think government involvement is always good. Neither do I believe 
that government involvement is always bad. 

  By your own words, you fall into the latter camp. I consider both positions 
to be extreme, and not a considered approach. Always having a knee jerk 
reaction rarely leads to an optimal result. 

> History doesn't back you up, especially where broadband is concerned.
  Oh, goodie! A history lesson! Please tell me more. Out of the 450 community 
networks in the US, how many did not work out and why?

> Government, most any government, does a pretty poor job if what it should be 
> doing much less tasks it 
> has no business doing.
  I'm sure government does a lot of things wrong and the wrong things. 
  Use your vote to change that. You'll have a chance to do so agsin next week. 

> You sound like someone who makes a living directly benefiting from tax 
> dollars. 
> Or even worse, done quasi governmental agency with the tax or secured money 
> benefits but no accountability.
  I'm so sorry to disappoint you.
  Why do you have something against people who get paid with tax dollars?
  Does this animosity extend to police, firefighters and enlisted personnel? 


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