I believe Cambium 450M still has the highest bits/Hz
On 1/23/2017 1:25 PM, Dev wrote:
Yeah, these mythical 80M channels don’t exist for almost any operators,
especially if you want to co-locate a few AP’s, basically it’s a question of
what you can realistically get down a 20M channel with mild interference in the
area and can still afford at the prices people are willing to pay.
did overlook the fact that beam steering may very well help larger
channel widths, so keep this in mind.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 12:10 PM, Joe Novak <jno...@lrcomm.com> wrote:
750mbit w/ 80mhz channels per http://www.radwin.com/contentManagment/
I've read of other operators considering Radwin for business to business
sales. I've been meaning to look deeper into it but have not yet. I won't
be able to use 80mhz channels anywhere I need capacity.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Dev <d...@logicalwebhost.com> wrote:
I read that the Radwin Jet PtMP AP does 750Mbit aggregate and has beam
steering, subs look stupid expensive (if I?m looking at the right units),
anyone know the performance/other comparison between that and the Cambium
450m? They both look pretty tasty?which would you deploy and why?