Soon by who's calendar


On 03/27/2017 01:52 PM, Jon Langeler wrote:
With ubiquiti shipping real soon, you might want to wait

Jon Langeler
Michwave Technologies, Inc.

On Mar 27, 2017, at 2:47 PM, Adam Moffett <> wrote:

I asked the Alphion sales rep about this.  He says the optics are coded, yes.  
As far as mixing ONT from one vendor with an OLT from another he said in 
essence GPON is a standard, but it isn't usually tested across vendors so 
whether it works fine, works with bugs, or doesn't work at all is going to be a 
matter of chance.

------ Original Message ------
Sent: 3/23/2017 2:54:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Small Scale PON

No, generally speaking there is no crossvendor compatibility with GPON.


Mitch Koep

A Better Wireless
218-851-8689 cell

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