So all your browsing, downloading, streaming etc is metered?  What speed do you 
give yourself?

From: Bill Prince 
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Windows 10 Updates running wild

Is this the so-called "Creator's Update"? 

I have for a long time set all my ethernet connection to "metered" via a 
registry hack. I leave the WiFi connection turned off, except when I want 
updates to run. It works for me, as it leaves me in charge of exactly when the 
updates run.


On 4/17/2017 8:15 AM, Paul McCall wrote:

  What are you guys doing to control Windows 10 update from downloading updates 
whenever it wants to?� Windows used to have a setting for when it would 
download and install, and now that setting (IF have you have access to the 
Group Policy editor - some Win versions supposedly don') only allows defining 
when it will INSTALL the updates and not when it downloads them.� You can 
make the update process manual I think through settings,� but customers won't 
ever update then, introducing other issues.� So, that isnt a great 
workaround.� You can also set an interface to �metered� which means it 
won�t DL until it gets an unmetered connection but that won�t help 

  Today 3 customers (plus my PC) were killing an AP, all connected to Microsoft 
presumably downloading updates as mine was from that IP.� That is what my PC 
was doing when I caught the problem.� All customers and myself were connected 
to the same MS IP address.

  Even if customers had access to GPEDIT, and if it had that ability, talking 
customers through that would have been a not fun job for tech support for all 
the Win10 devices out there now.� Supposedly, not all versions of Win 10 have 
access to GPEDIT easily.� GPEDIT does have a setting for maximum DL for 
updates which helps but that would only slow things down for a loooong time to 
get updaes.� Much better to have it do full updates after midnight.

  Was wondering if there was something that could be defined at the customers 
CPE Mikrotik (in place at 95% of our customers) or at the tower Mikrotik.

  There has to be some solution.


  Paul McCall, President

  PDMNet, Inc. / Florida Broadband, Inc.

  658 Old Dixie Highway

  Vero Beach, FL 32962




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