I'm very curious, primarily from owners with admin staff about staff
valuation. I'm a pretty critical guy here, I think a lot of that is due to
the fact I don't spread my role freely. I'm the admin, , that's pretty
straight forward. I'm the tier 3, or two, whichever you assign to tech
support that actually solves problems or initiates disconnects that cant be
resoled vi a call one.

We also do network support, I only really generate 5-20 billable hours on
that. Not to be cocky, but a lot of those limited 5-20 is my efficiency...
I'm really good at my job.

Last year I recommended dropping one of our techs, which freed up a ton of
dough, gave us the option to go to serverplus. the frees uo a substantial
amount of my tier 2/3 time (their tier1 is much more inclusive than ours,

We brought in a contractor on our ISP side to handle the BGP followed by
IP6 adoption.

Their continued support for the transit component of our network is not a
terrible cost

What I have found is my cost to the company is substantially higher than a
recurring contract with them.

Essentially, we offset the whole of the transit on our network and more
with the ditching 0f the tech

That leaves me with pretty much posting to afmug for advice on new stuff.

We have "reliable" outsource site/tower guys

As an administrator, I genuinely think I found a route to replace myself
with a substantial savings, with the exception of new product/technology
exploration. a pretty good discount. Installers are just s cost, if we need
more, we get more, like fish.

Assuming you guys have a guy for everything other than going to Afmug to
get advice, how much is the afmug guy worth. ( I use the list just for

I know I'm not the first guy who found what on its face to be a highly cost
effective solution to replace their "network guy" and found a flaw

whats the flaw?

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