According to reports they are building a muni fiber network, not a Muni WiFi 
network. Is it also gubment cheese if they are borrowing money by bonding?


> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 
> From: "Lewis Bergman" <>
> To: "Animal Farm" <>
> Subject: [AFMUG] Muni WiFi
> I guess Coloradan's just can't get enough gubment cheese
> *Colorado*
> *Fort Collins Ponders Build-Out of Its Own ISP Using Public Utilities*
> Oftentimes, municipalities will partner with private ISPs to provide
> internet service as a public utility. But one Colorado city—Fort Collins
> <>—is
> considering a ballot initiative that would give it authority to develop its
> own internet network through the city’s Light and Power Utility,
> reports *Community
> Networks.*
> The ballot initiative, which would be voted on this upcoming November,
> would change the city charter to enable the Light and Power Utility to
> provide internet service. It may also ask voters to consent to allowing
> municipal bonds to fund the build-out of the network infrastructure, which
> could cost an estimated $125 to $140 million.
> In 2015, the city’s partnership with the private, Canadian-owned company
> Axia fell through, prompting the municipality to weigh other options for
> providing a municipal-wide network. That same year, 83 percent of voters
> chose to opt out of SB 152, which discouraged Colorado municipalities from
> building out their own networks.
> Local public officials have cited this vote as a sign that residents favor
> the build-out of a locally owned and operated network, provided through the
> city government. City Council member Ross Cunniff told *Community
> Networks* that
> voters are more than ready. “When I talk to citizens, really the main
> question on their minds isn’t ‘should we?’ It’s, ‘Why haven’t you gotten
> around to do it yet?’”

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