Could you not put a couple turns on the cat5's at both ends to choke it?
On 6/7/2017 9:31 AM, wrote:
You put ferrite close to the source of the noise, so close to the
radios and if that does not do it, close to any switch or router on
the other end of the run. Clamps or rings will both work. I prefer
-----Original Message----- From: Craig House
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Interference on a repeater at 149 MHz
They are Mylar shielded cat5 cables If you mean in conduit though no
they are not in conduit.
If someone thinks the ferrite solution is worth a try what ferrite do
you use. Clamps or rings? One end of the cable or both? If rings,
how many loops of cable through them?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 7, 2017, at 09:10, Bill Prince <> wrote:
Are the cat5 runs shielded? We've seen 100 Mbps ethernet can radiate in
the 140 MHz range. Shielding usually fixes it.
On 6/6/2017 1:17 PM, Craig House wrote:
We have equipment located on to Towers one is a water tower the
other is a guyed110 foot tower. In both locations there are two way
repeaters located on the towers that are receiving interference from
what appears to be our equipment. Nothing is substantially common
between the way the two towers are built out. The water tower had
all of the equipment on top of the tower at one point and we have
since moved all of our backhauls down to the catwalk railing on the
opposite side of the tower from the two-way repeater attempting to
put some distance between our equipment and the repeater but has not
solve the problem.
We have ePMP both 2.4 sectors and the 5 GHz Omni as well as some
ubiquity air fiber five and Power beam M5 radios on the water tower
all running off of net tonics 24 port switch and the microtik
router. The other Tower has only a few m5 radios and and M2 Omni. It
also has an air fiber 5X amount of lower on the Tower around 55
feet. Everything on this Tower has ethernet cable's running to the
base where our equipment is running from an old CMM micro or their
own power supplies in the case of the air fiber. Everything at this
Tower is located inside of a metal communications cabinet at the
base. In both locations we have removed old 900 FSK radios which
were a source of interference but the problem seems to have come
back. I'm looking for ideas on what others have found may be the
source of interference or solution because I'm tired of throwing
darts blindfolded and hoping I find the right Target.
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