Might make sure spanning tree is disabled on the MT bridge so its BPDUs don't interact with any spanning tree that might be enabled on the SAF. Otherwise, shouldn't be a huge deal.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 7/19/17 10:20 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
So ive been dealing with the SAFs and the mikrotiks being uppity with one another.
SAF has a gigabit port, but it only offers the option to lock it to 100, not gigabit.
so I have the mikrotiks set, just not the otherside, the port still flaps on both radios

what was happening is everytime it flaps, the interface dropped in ospf and went neighbor down, rerouting traffic then coming back up

what I did was made a bridge, added that port to it, and put the ospf ip on the bridge itself, this allows the port to flap without the ospf interface going down until we work throught the issue with SAF

I'm wondering if this is causing some other harm having it on the bridge, rather than the physical port

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