Ok, either I am getting to old for these crazy challenges or I am subjecting my self to motivation I have not figured this one out yet LOL

We have a large site seeing Boat that sits on one of our lakes which navigates north and south of the lake and some to the east. We have 3 towers that can easily see a majority of the lake. One tower can see most of the north end and the other 2 can see south and east.

So the challenge is to provide a content streaming connection to this boat which moves slowly across the lake. My answer first was use an omni on 3Ghz but the omni has downtilt built in so thats a no go. The plan B was to use a 4 cluster of integrated subscribers to talk to the towers. The next question would be if these subs are able to move from one ap to the next. How would you connect them to a router IE:RB493G to provide a single seemless connection in the boat?

Im open to anything at this point. Oh yeah there is a Mobile hotspot for failover.

I think I know the answer but wanted to see what others would do.



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