We typically don’t do this unless specifically requested to do so by the customer. We can set it up remotely since we provide Mikrotiks to all customers so we can always do it later without a site visit. It seems like one more thing to educate the customer on unless they already know about it and request it.
David Coudron david.coud...@advantenon.com<mailto:david.coud...@advantenon.com> | Mobile: 612-991-7474 From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Steve Jones Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 10:29 PM To: af@afmug.com Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Guest access/mode on customer routers Cnmaestro doesnt do it the way i expected On Dec 15, 2017 9:45 PM, "Josh Luthman" <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com<mailto:j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>> wrote: Does anyone do this at all? Wondering if it makes any sense. I know I'd like it at my house with the r200 routers as I don't want to give up my PSK to random people. Josh Luthman Office: 937-552-2340<tel:(937)%20552-2340> Direct: 937-552-2343<tel:(937)%20552-2343> 1100 Wayne St<https://maps.google.com/?q=1100+Wayne+St+Suite+1337+Troy,+OH+45373&entry=gmail&source=g> Suite 1337<https://maps.google.com/?q=1100+Wayne+St+Suite+1337+Troy,+OH+45373&entry=gmail&source=g> Troy, OH 45373<https://maps.google.com/?q=1100+Wayne+St+Suite+1337+Troy,+OH+45373&entry=gmail&source=g>