Yes, those folks that are aware of it and what it should be used for, request 
that we set it up and we do.   However, for folks that don’t ask about it, we 
found out that we were getting more calls asking about the password (they lost 
the email stating what it was, misplaced any information we left with them, or 
forgot).   What typically happens is someone visits their place, wants to use 
the Guest network, and they can’t remember the password to give them since they 
don’t use it very often and that triggers a call to us.

We get fewer calls asking to set up Guest access than we do asking what the 
password was set up as.   We thought about printing labels and putting that on 
the router with the password for the Guest network for future reference but 
then we would have to use a standard password for all customers, which we 
didn’t want to do.   Using a standard password would probably be fine, but in 
some of our areas we have enough subscriber density that folks could literally 
drive down the road and get on everyone’s network.  It is just the Guest 
network, so likely not a big deal, but figured our customers wouldn’t want 
strangers doing that.  We could come up with a password scheme that uses part 
of the Mac address or something like that, but that is just more work for the 
technician to set up, or we would have to come up with some script trickery to 
automatically do it.    For the few that ask for it, we found it was less work 
to not set it up by default and only do so for those that asked.

David Coudron<>  |  Mobile: 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Mike Hammett
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2017 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Guest access/mode on customer routers

Most retail routers have done this for many years now. It shouldn't be 

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions<>
Midwest Internet Exchange<>
The Brothers WISP<>

From: "David Coudron" 
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2017 7:55:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Guest access/mode on customer routers
We typically don’t do this unless specifically requested to do so by the 
customer.   We can set it up remotely since we provide Mikrotiks to all 
customers so we can always do it later without a site visit.   It seems like 
one more thing to educate the customer on unless they already know about it and 
request it.

David Coudron<>  |  Mobile: 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Steve Jones
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Guest access/mode on customer routers

Cnmaestro doesnt do it the way i expected

On Dec 15, 2017 9:45 PM, "Josh Luthman" 
<<>> wrote:
Does anyone do this at all?  Wondering if it makes any sense.  I know I'd like 
it at my house with the r200 routers as I don't want to give up my PSK to 
random people.
Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340<tel:(937)%20552-2340>
Direct: 937-552-2343<tel:(937)%20552-2343>
1100 Wayne 
Troy, OH 

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