Yeah, just like school "cooperate and graduate" never paid to correct the error of the teacher.

-----Original Message----- From: Seth Mattinen
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Rohn 25

On 6/6/18 9:10 AM, David Sovereen wrote:
I spoke with the OSHA representative handling our matter on Friday. He tells me that Rohn 25s have not been tested by the manufacturer to support 5,000 lbs and therefore are not a suitable anchor point for securing oneself. He says all work on Rohn 25s must be done from a lift. I think they are just trying to come up with reasons to fine us.

So now that Rohn has proven this is a totally false statement, have you
passed that along to OSHA or has Rohn indicated they would be interested
in talking to OSHA?

I don't think the OSHA guys are going to like being told they are wrong.


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