Allow me to propose an alternate onion, starting with the innermost layer:

1. You.
2. Your family.
3. Your race.
4. Your species.
5. All forms of life.
6. All forms of matter.
7. The spiritual self.
8. That which binds all together ad infinitum

AGI would fit ether as an augmentation of layers, or at layer 1. It could also 
be spirit at layer 7, should it take the form of a program without a singular 

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On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 12:16 AM, Steve Richfield via AGI 
<> wrote:

> I seems that reality is organized somewhat like an onion...
> In the center are children.
> The next layer is parents and family.
> Then comes business.
> Around this are political leaders in several layers.
> Above politics are the super-rich who operate our bribocracy.
> At the very top are ET/UFO who visit our planet, observe we have destroyed 
> our own natural habitat, extract whatever resources they might need, etc.
> Layers maintain their positions by manipulating layers inside them, while 
> resisting manipulations from those inner layers. All layers are wide open to 
> manipulation by outer layers.
> I suspect there may be many correlaries to emerge from this geometric view, 
> e.g. that layers should do a good job for inner layers, or risk revolution 
> and destruction.
> So, where might an AGI fit into this? Certainly NOT in the outermost layer - 
> if it even exists, though an alien AGI might already occupy that layer.
> Past posted thoughts have been muddled - freely crossing between levels in an 
> unrealistic way.
> Thoughts?
> Steve
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