> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Mahoney via AGI <agi@agi.topicbox.com>
> When we say that X is more conscious tha Y we really mean that X is more like
> a human than Y.
> The problem is still there how to distinguish between p-zombie and a
> conscious being.
> The definition of a p-zombie makes this impossible. This should tell you
> something.

My point was that a real p-zombie (verses theoretical) that was engineered 
would only be an attempt to approach a theoretical limit before having qualia 
like a conscious person has. The limit would be bound by the impossibility of 
general prediction for the engineered p-zombie to imitate/predict human qualia. 
That is until it's own qualia was equally engineered somehow, then it would 
thus become humanly conscious.


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