There is a paper on learned talking heads and con-trolling Zuckerberg's
head below that

On 16.07.2019 08:50, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

Hello list,

I am able to poorly speak in Russian (since my parents spoke me
Russian, when I was a kid, 50 years ago). But my native language is
French, and my Russian writing and grammar is so bad that I never
write Russian. And I am reading (and sometimes doing) AI in English
(since my PhD thesis was written in French about what was then called
AI and is today called AGI, and I defended it in 1990).

However, I am (aged 60 and....) more and more interested in reading
Russian academic papers -in particular experimental ones- on the
following topics (see Pitrat's blog

  * symbolic AGI
  * common sense reasoning
  * metaknowledge based AI systems
  * reflective and introspective AI systems.

If some of you are academics (or established AGI researchers, having
peer-reviewed publications related to one of these topics above) and
know about interesting papers in Russian on some of the above topics,
please give me, by private email, the references or the PDF files.

Russia is widely known, since at least the 18^th century, to be a
country with a highly competitive philosophical, musical, mathematical
and (in the past century) computer science elite.


PS. My opinion about this AGI list is that it contains a majority of
crap, but also a few messages which are real gems. However, the
overall signal/noise ratio on this list is astonishingly bad. I am
reading quite often that AGI list, but very rarely losing my time to
write on it. I am interested by experimental free software AGI
systems, not by "pseudo-theoretical bullshit" or "I need a million US$
to make AGI" kind of messages. I would like a reliable automatic free
software which filters such useless and annoying messages. I strongly
believe that AGI is as difficult to achieve as e.g. a human expedition
to Mars, or a controlled nuclear fusion reactor (à la ITER

opinions are mine only - les opinions sont seulement miennes
Bourg La Reine, France;<>
(mobile phone: cf my web page / voir ma page web...)
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