People can only communicate their conscious experiences by analogy. When you 
say "I'm in pain," you're not actually describing your experience; you're 
encouraging me to remember how I felt the last time *I* was in pain, and to 
assume you feel the same way. We have no way of really knowing whether the 
assumption is correct.

We can both name a certain frequency of light "red" and agree on which objects 
are "red." But I can't tell you what my visual experience of red is like, and 
you can't tell me what yours is like. Maybe my red looks like your green -- the 
visual experience of red doesn't seem to inhere in the frequency's numerical 
value, in fact color is nothing like number at all, so nothing says my red 
isn't your green. "Qualia" refers to that indescribable aspect of the 
experience. If your "qualia" can be communicated with symbols, or described in 
terms of other things, then we're not talking about the same concept -- and 
using the same word for it is just confusing.

Going back to your computer-and-mouse example: if I admit your panpsychist 
perspective and assume that a computer mouse has qualia, those qualia are not 
identified with the electro-mechanical events inside the mouse.  I could have 
full knowledge of those (fully compute or model them) without sharing the 
mouse's experience.
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