Just cross-posin' this from aidreams,  cause its a good one.

As you guys may know,  my style of a.i. is for sport robots. (and its very 
similar to what Boston Dynamics, Open-AI, agility robotics, even deepmind are 
doing, its all about 'skill&strategy' rather than symbolic logic.)
And it comes down for me to sampling a physics engine enough times, to see the 
near future where it can just make a decision about which "route of postures" 
was better.

But that actually comes down to mostly just repeating just one thing,  a 

The problem is, rotators usually take a divide and worse, even a square root to 
get the length of a vector,   and this Is way too costly to me, because I must 
get as many samples as possible,  but it looks like i'm in luck, there is 
faster solutions, and the way they made PlayStation 1 games ages ago, they used 
to get these matrix multiply operations we know today, in less work but it 
involves some kind of approximate loss to get it in less work.  I think im in 
luck with rotation, because it was easier to chop off than perspective 
texturing was.

So ive got in mind a lossy rotate, which will octagonalize the rotation.

First thing you can do, is u can at least get the 90 degree part of the 
rotation done first with flip and mirror,  then its just the nasty final 
attenuation in the quadrant left.
Then it helps if you decide on a fixed absolute amount of degree units your 
going to have in each quadrant.
You can get away with not normalizing it (to get rid of sqrt), if you make the 
unit rotation box, the size of the containing box of the vector,  but then 
unfortunately you get one multiply you have to do, to get how many segments you 
want in the rotation multiplied by how big the box is,  to split it into so 
many "radians"  but the cool thing is it only needs as many significant digits 
as radian units in a quadrant, so it could be 2 bits and youd still get 4 
positions per quadrant.then if you get how much unit travel it is in the 
quadrant,   you could connect the dots with a lookup,  your basicly just taking 
the perpendicular motion, and turning it to diagonal motion.

~ 2 shifts,5 adders,3 inverts   <-so we think,  may be a bit optimistic at this 
stage.    and that's how they got those old games to even run at all back 
then!!!  but I spose ppl loved 3d more with ps1, so maybe the extra fun was 
worth it,  since it was all new back then. 

SHIFT         //perpmovement=boundingboxside downshift how many angles in 
quadrant (must be a power of 2.) 
?IF?              //get the vector and find what angle it is, using how far up 
the sides of the bounding box it is. and what quadrant it is. (but the angles 
are scaled to be the size of the box.)
ADD           //then add the rotation amount to it. which is in PERPMOVEMENT 
SHIFT         //divide by how many units in a quadrant. (this is a downshift, 
its a power of 2.)
SUB            //get the difference of the quadrants. (invert, get 2's 
compliment - sub is an add)
INVERT      //then you mirror and flip due to the quadrant difference.
SUB           //subtract the quadrant position from the angle position, with 
the quadrant position shifted to the amount of angles in a quadrant.
ADDXY      //due to its vertical position, means it gets a different gradient, 
you can use a look up table. to carve the circle shape into the square.

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