Hmm, we don't like the No Lunch Theorem. Me and Matt and any other enlightened 
one doesn't. Ignore Stefan :-D and ignore R81 :|. We follow the AGI Theorem 
instead. We believe it doesn't get contradicted. It is same meaning to say we 
attack the FLT or attack the contradiction it makes. Yes we are expecting Free 
Lunches, less work, more that Good change/evolution to come. Survival makes us 
think what is Good. Nothing is actually ugly or painful or gay or bad or a 
hobby or makes sense or is complex or superior. So the particle Sorting of 
array items / sorting in Data Compression leads to Survival/Patterns that 
emerge, and extracts new insights/patterns from old data; data self recursion. 
So yes we expect free lunches; we expect change to occur; we expect to survive 
longer; to happen on its own and soon; evolution; physics. It's just evolution 
of particles settling into equilibrium from chaos to patterns.

Evolution is sorting particles so that they are more pattern-y so they are more 
compressible and can remove the trash and Learn the actual elementary and 
higher facets / features (cat, face, nose, curve, line, dot), but Earth 
actually grows more patterns and also grows larger by eating planets nearby. So 
it's not just some shrinking but actually more growth than size lost. All while 
becoming more patterny. However as I said you can't create/delete 
particles/bits, so nothing is 'compressed', rather you are finding the pattern 
representation, removing/randomizing the trash after 'compression', then taking 
chaotic matter and growing the system/pattern larger.
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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