I'm not discouraging.
The problem is that you seem naive, sorry. It starts with the name of the
post "Money Printing Bot". I know you feel excited and motivated in
building your own trading bot and that is great but you should be more
realistic. There is no such thing as a Money Printing Bot.
It is hard in particular when you do real trading. It is not that difficult
to create bots on paper that seem to do extremely well. By the time you
actually trade with them you can see easily it will make you lose money. I
don't say this to discourage but I want to give you a sense of realism that
you don't have yet. As I said before I'm also aware that whatever I say
will be ignored because you need to experience this by yourself to
understand that is fine.
I started exactly in the same way, trying to learn a bit from published
sources (books, papers) but also doing my own thing, that is still what I'm
I actually looked at the literature at first, I liked in particular the
Online Portfolio Selection methodology. Some of the papers applied this
approach to trading crypto and claimed incredible gains. These are
professors and researchers in academic institutions and I guess they have
not much experience with real markets.
When we actually tried to trade the crypto market none of these strategies
worked even if the theoretical results showed 10x or more returns per year.
Simply these theoretical papers never dealt with the reality of real
trading, issues of slippage, continuity of trading, liquidity, and so on.

I have since worked on my own path of doing algo trading using my intuition
and my own skills in math, physics, and programming as an outsider so I
understand what it means to enter a field with a positive but also very
naive attitude. I own a trading company now so I do this professionally but
it took me at least 5 years to even come close to having a real, functional
trading system and it is still very very hard.

You are not receiving much feedback because I think people are just put off
by the naive attitude (I'm sure there are a lot of people here that have
experience with algo trading). I offered you the opportunity to contact me
in private so I can share with you more of what I have learned in a more
direct way but you seem to have an attitude and think you know what you are
doing. It is not the right attitude for learning anything.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 5:23 PM stefan.reich.maker.of.eye via AGI <
agi@agi.topicbox.com> wrote:

> Wow man, all you do is discourage! Take a look in the mirror.
> Seeing as this list is only offering anti-advice - we will move to
> Telegram. https://t.me/MoneyPrintingTradingBot
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