On Sunday, August 06, 2023, at 7:06 PM, James Bowery wrote:
> Better compression requires not just correlation but causation, which is the 
> entire point of going beyond statistics/Shannon Information criteria to 
> dynamics/Algorithmic information criterion.
> Regardless of your values, if you can't converge on a global dynamical model 
> of causation you are merely tinkering with subsystems in an incoherent 
> fashion.  You'll end up robbing Peter to pay Paul -- having unintended 
> consequences affecting your human ecologies -- etc.
> That's why engineers need scientists -- why OUGHT needs IS -- why SDT needs 
> AIT -- etc.

I like listening to non-mainstream music for different perspectives. I wonder 
what Cristopher Langan thinks of the IS/OUGHT issue with his atemporal 
non-dualistic protocomputational view of determinism/causality. I like the idea 
of getting rid of time…  and/or multidimensional time… Also I’m a big fan of 
free will. Free will gives us a tool to fight totalitarian systems. We can 
choose not to partake in systems, for example modRNA injections and CBDC's. So 
we need to fight to maintain free will IMHO.


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