On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 3:56 PM, Keyvan M. Sadeghi wrote:
> Judging the future of AGI (not distant, 5 years), with our current premature 
> brains is a joke. Worse, it's an unholy/profitable business for Sam Altmans / 
> Eric Schmidts / Elon Musks of the world.

I was referring to extracting value meaning real value verses a nominal value. 
You can predict the future using economic cycles over hundreds to thousands of 
years. Also, human vices and virtues drive similar actions over time. People 
exploit people with new tools and technologies and the technologies take on a 
life of their own. Thinking AGI is going to instantly change all that for the 
good, as in some immantized eschaton is naïve. Are there laws that protect us 
if it goes wrong? I keep hearing now about nano dust already in the food and 
have seen recent congressional hearings on weapons being used that modify human 
minds remotely. These technologies are deployed and our reactions take years... 
in some cases decades. Judging by recent events we need to self-organize since 
our governments are not going to protect us. In fact, it’s going in the 
direction of overthrowing governments likely leading to new governmental 
structures. Big tech is already embedded and fused with big gov't. But the real 
government is the central banks. Central bank behavior is another input into 
the predictor.... unless AGI makes central banks somehow magically go away :) 
That is also naïve thinking IMO.
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