On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Alan Grimes wrote:

> Arthur T. Murray wrote:
> > Mentifex/Arthur here with an announcement.  I'm asking for $17.95 U.S.
> While a "mind-forth" isn't too far from where I am in my current
> thinking, I must ask you: Have you ever tested this idea on an actual
> robotic platform? Does it behave anthing like you would expect it would?
No, I have not had the opportunity to test the AI on a robot.

http://books.iuniverse.com/viewbooks.asp?isbn=0595259227&page=20 is the

"Motorium" module with plans and ideas for a robotic implementation.

> By all accounts the java-script applet that 9/10ths of the links on the
> menafex site point to is broken and simply doesn't work. Unless you can
> demonstrate a physical or virtual robot performing significantly
> non-trivial behaviors in a complex and dynamic environment I don't think
> you can justify writing a textbook on it at this juncture. 

http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/jsaimind.html is not broken, but it

requires Microsoft Internet Explorer to work properly.
> I do want to see AGI move forward and I have no bias whatsoever against
> the Mentifex model. I just havn't seen any real evidence that your
> software has met any of its design goals.

http://www.iuniverse.com/bookstore/book_detail.asp?isbn=0595259227 "AI4U"

is not only AI software, it is primarily an AI Theory of Mind, as
shown in the 34 brain-mind diagrams that start all 34 chapters.
> (I have made similar responses directly to you over the course of the
> years). 
Yes, and I appreciate them.  Bye for now. -Arthur
> -- 
> pain (n): see Linux.
> http://users.rcn.com/alangrimes/

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