Thursday, November 28, 2002, 9:20:47 PM, Alan Grimes wrote:

AG> To develop an AI based on this approach one first sets about to
AG> construct a problem domain for the AI to work on. For general AI one 
AG> requires an open problem space such as a box of Legos. Today's computers 
AG> already come with a broad selection of software that would be suitable 
AG> for this purpose. The problem then becomes how to make it so that the AI 
AG> can see and use these applications just as the human user does? One 
AG> would like to create a virtual desktop which is mirrored to the physical 
AG> console and then have the AI take its input from what it displays. On 
AG> this desktop the AI can run games and other instructional software as 
AG> well as communicate with the human operator.

AG> The development of such a system is still very chalenging as nobody 
AG> writes software to run in the configuration I just described. This 
AG> problem is not insurmountable, it will only require a great deal of 
AG> money.

I take it you're speaking of "AI-soft as user" being difficult and
expensive; if so I disagree.  "Virtualization" software such as VMWare
or Bochs can emulate a full PC, letting you run any x86 OS on top of
e.g. Linux.  Bochs is open source, so intercepting and rerouting
the display calls and generating mouse and keyboard messages OS-wide
should be pretty straightforward.  I think the same can be done in
Windows (putting "syshooks" in the message queue?); no doubt something
similar could be done in Linux (intercepting X calls and input

The 'perception' problem is a more difficult one; depending on which
level you intercept messages (GDI calls vs. desktop bitmaps, for
instance) you can get around this to varying degrees.  I take it the
"interesting" part of the problem isn't decoding e.g. that a dialog
box is being displayed but rather, what the dialog's options mean
and which one to choose.

[In an earlier thread I mentioned I think there is potential for AI
development in the usability problem space, i.e. learning/trainable
software that "intermediates" between the user and the OS in order to
function somewhat as an assistant, of which such message interception
would be a component.]

A word of advice: you'll be taken more seriously if you don't exploit
*every* opportunity to take rhetorical potshots at MS, regardless of
their validity or lack thereof.


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