Bill Hibbard wrote:
> However, when technology does develop real intelligence, then
> I think that resistence to military applications is necessary
> and in fact presents the best opportunity for educating the
> public to the dangers of machine intelligence. I will explain.

Bill, I think this is going to be a very difficult issue as time goes on.

By far the largest funder of AI research in world history has been the US

And this situation shows no sign of changing....  Corporate America gets
more and more skeptical of AGI, whereas the US military is increasingly

So far I have avoided this source of funding -- with Webmind & Novamente --
but I can't promise to avoid it forever,  It's possible Novamente may take
DARPA funding at some point, in spite of my discomfort with the AGI/military

Can one use military funding for early-stage AGI work and then somehow
delimitarize one's research once it reaches a certain point?  One can try,
but will one succeed?

It's an ethical minefield indeed...

-- Ben

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