> > For instance, in relation to memory capacity.  let's say I could live
> > for the age of the universe, roughly 15 billion years.  I believe the
> > human mind(without enhancement of any kind) is capable of remembering
> > every detail of every day for that entire lifespan.
> That is contrary to actual experience. Many of the elderly complain of
> difficulty in forming new memories.

That is because of a defect in the brain, not the Mind.

> >  I believe it is an error to reduce memory and thought to the
> > calculations that Kurzweil and Alan put forth.
> Egad! I'm being compared to Kurzweil the Weenie... =\

Sorry, but your analysis smacked of his...

> The entire point of the entire AGI enterprise is to reduce memory and
> thought to calculations.

That's fine, I wish you luck, but I still have that sawbuck in my pocket...

> > Clearly we have had incredibly fast processors, yet we can't even
> > create something that can effectively navigate a room, or talk to me,
> > or reason or completely simulate an ant.
> All of those are software problems.

That's the argument we've heard for some time.  I think Ben is closer to
anyone in having a true mapping of the
brain and its capabilities.  As to whether it ultimately develops the
emergent qualities we speak of..time will tell...even
if it falls short of singularity type hype,  i believe it can provide
tremendous benefits to humanity, and that's what I care about.

> > How can they reconcile that??  If they say "we don't know how to
> > program that yet".  then I say "well then stop saying that
> > the singularity is near striclty because of processor speed\memory
> > projections.  Processor speed is irrelevant when you have no idea how
> > to use them!"
> Okay, I have some theories... Unfortunately I'm only a theorist so I'll
> need some code-slaves to make any progress but I think that's doable.
> The research machine that I tried to build a few months ago (and is
> still sitting in pieces) will only be a high end PC. It should be enough
> to make excelant progress even though it only uses 1.2 ghz processors...

I'm new to AI, but I am reading Norvigs book and one of the first things he
says is that what's important
is not what you can theorize, its what you can actually **DO**.  If you
can't encode it...Its just an unproven theory

> > It is true that few humans reach this capacity i describe above.  I
> > would call them human singularities.  Therer have only been a handful
> > in history.
> Then we'll worry about dealing with the mein intelligence first. ;)

I would suggest this is negligent on your part, but that's your choice..

> > But it's important to note that these capabilities are within each of
> > us.
> As you said, only savants. I am surely not one of them.

I never said savants.  the only reason you and I haven't become a
"singularity" is because we are steeped in delusion and somewhat lazy.

> >  I will go as far to say that any computer system we develop, even one
> > that realizes all the promises of the singularity, can only match the
> > capacity of the human Mind.  Why?  Because the universe is the Mind
> > itself, and the computational capacity of the universe is rather
> > immense and cannot be exceeded by something created within its own
> > domain.
> This is almost theistic... You should check your endorphine levels.

If you read any discussion of the Singularity, its hard to separate what is
being said from theism.  These machines are given God like qualities and
powers.  It smacks almost of a new religion with its dogma 1's and 0's, but
reeks of the same old idea that "i am flawed and weak and small and mortal
and I want to be super and sumpremely smart and immortal!"  I can't blame
people for looking for such things as the human condition is a rather sad

Good luck Alan!


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