There was a show on the tube last night on TechTV.  It was part of their weekly Secret, Strange and True series.  They chronicled three guys who are working on creating advanced AI. 
One guy was from Belgium.  My apologies to him if he reads this list, but he was a rather quirky and stressed character.  He had designed a computer that was basically a collection of chips.  He raised a million and had it built on spec.  I gather he was expecting something to miraculously emerge from this collection, but alas, nothing did.  It was really stressful watching his stress.  He had very high visibility in the country and the pressure was immense as he promised a lot.  I have real doubts about his approach, even though I am a lay-AI person.  Also, its clear from watching him that its sometimes good to have shoestring budgets and low visibility.  Less stress and more forced creativity in your approach... 
Kevin:  Was the guy from Belgium perhaps Hugo de Garis??  [Who is not in Belgium anymore, but who designed a radical hardware based approach to AGI, and who is a bit of a quirky guy?? ...]
I visited Hugo at Starlab [when it existed] in Brussels in mid-2001
See my brief bio of Hugo at
-- Ben G

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