Hi cosmodelia
The project you describe -- AGI applied to music -- is one very dear to my heart...
Like many tech geeks, I'm a spare-time musician.  Mostly a composer -- I play the keyboards a lot, but my keyboard skills remain uneven (though excellent in some respects)....  years ago I wrote some cool programs for automatic composition, and they worked pretty well, but they bored me, because coming up with music myself thru composition & improvisation is what really interests me in music.   Unfortunately I have no MP3 files of my stuff online, believe it or not I still use a 4-track cassette recorder !! although I have some modern music software & hardware sitting around that I have not yet found time to hook up and learn to use...
So my dream re music is
1) an AI system that I can jam with -- that will come up with new ideas on the fly, taking its cue from my ideas but leading me in new directions -- AND
2) an AI system that will take my musical ideas and work them out to a level of complexity and coherence that the human  mind cannot carry out
I am pleased to see others are working toward this actively.
Novamente does not include a musical component at the moment.  We have talked about incorporating one at some point in the future though.
I'm not sure it's on the short path to true AGI, *but*
a) it would be a lot of fun for me
b) more importantly, I think that making the program musically interact with humans, would be a big help in helping the system *emotionally* understand humans ... which is important for the system's long-term Friendliness toward humans
I would be curious to hear your further thoughts on AI & music
-- Ben Goertzel
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of cosmodelia
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 8:20 AM
To: agi
Subject: [agi] Music and Artificial Intelligence

New to this list, I have been reading your Novamente website. I am not programmer and I can't understand fully your project. I am part of a group of digital music [www.mp3.com.au/cosmodelia] and maybe because of this I have this intuition: a creative musical IA would be a big step in the way toward a AGI.
I don't know if you know Eduardo Reck Miranda' work, you can read his essay: "An Introduction to Music and Artificial Intelligence" at: http://website.lineone.net/~edandalex/ai-essay.htm

and to explore his website: http://website.lineone.net/~edandalex/

This also might interest you:
"PARIS - Just as IBM's Deep Blue showed the world a
 computer can play
 chess as well as a human master, Eduardo Reck
 Miranda, a researcher
 for the Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.,
 aims to demonstrate
 a computer program able to compose original music."
I would like to now if your Novamente project includes a similar kind of approach.
[If you want to read about Miranda' Chaosynth [a cellular automata trigger + granular synthesis] check:
I also read about your problems with funding. Maybe a intelligent musical software would be a interesting source of money.
I see the importance of music and art in the way towards singularity in a deeper way; if you and my broken English allow it to me in next posts I would like to share about with you.
[If you don't know it, this mailing list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/trans-music/ 
can be interesting for some of you.
Description: A group for transhumanists who enjoy talking about both the technical and non-technical aspects of music.]
Thank you for sharing about your work.
Best wishes from Spain



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