Hi Ben:

You wrote:


I guess we can look at AI Friendliness as having 2 components:

1) AI's having a deep understanding of humanity

2) AI's having positive goals as regards humanity

One question is whether 1 is necessary or not. Could an AI with positive goals consistently "do the right thing" for humans without a deep understanding of them?

I suspect that 1 is necessary, or at least very valuable. Tough decisions about humans are going to come up, and understanding will be very valuable.

The amazing this for me it would be to read someone thinks component 1 is not necessary. I think it is essential, because imo we need to look at AI Friendliness having also more components togeher with 1 and 2, as:

  1. AIs helping to humans to understand ourselves before
  2. AIs helping us to transform ourselves and our world in a transhumanist way.

I don’t think a AI can be friendly if we are passive materials for hir transformations and hir future creations. We would need at least some comprehension of the changes in we will be involved.

Hence, deep understanding of humans will be very valuable. And music and art provide an important means for AI's to achieve this.

I agree: a important part of our essence as humans can be deeply understood knowing our music and art.

Not only with them, but because AI does not will use traditional formal logic, there are no simple ways to understand us. If we see the creation of a AGI as a mutual encounter of two different intelligences, mutual understanding is a master piece, and different non-verbal languajes will be necessary. One of the obstacles we have to understand ourselves and the universe is we are the only intelligent beings we know. To have another reference each other, and to search and create knowledge togeher, there are certain central concepts that it is essential to keep in mind about ethics and philosophy. AI can remove comforting but limiting self-delusions. AI can infer that all values [including religious values] are the creations of human beings and that therefore we [both human and artificial beings] are all responsible for creating high values and living up to them. Maybe some of you think yet these values need not be shared, that we can be relativists arguing that one person's virtue is another's vice, anyway music and art can give to a AGI learning about us a full range of expressions of our ethics and different ways to face to up existence.

After all, AI's can't fall in love, or feel human sadness, etc. But they can listen to human music inspired by these experiences, and they can improvise music together with humans who are playing their instruments in such a way as to evoke the essence of these human experiences...

Actually if you are able to do sensitive to a AGI of energy involved in a live performance you could teach intangible knowledges about human nature and attitudes, not easily available throught books, etc.

I think this would be a really nifty aspect of AGI teaching/training ;-)   Hopefully as the Novamente project unfolds, some computer music programmers will emerge to write some Novamente musical interfacing software for us!!!

Maybe in that moment non-programmers will be able to be useful in your research ;-)


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