At some early point the AGI will have to learn to equate pleasure with
learning and acquiring new experience.  

With a biological organism the stimuli are provided as pain and

As we mature many of our pleasure causers are increasingly subtle and
are actually learned pleasure generators themselves.  As the organism
matures it becomes able to initiate it's own pleasure, but it also needs
to vary the type of pleasure it experiences.  This is largely because
the most pleasure repeated over and over again induce less satisfaction
as time goes on.  While the exception may may be drug and other physical
addictions, for the most part we constantly seek to keep ourselve

At some internal level this type of internal reward system must develop
or motivation to do anything will not exist.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Colin Hales
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 5:23 PM
Subject: [agi] The AGI and the will to live

Hi all,

I find the friendliness issue fairly infertile ground tackled way too
soon. Go back to where we are: the beginning. I'm far more interested in
the conferring of a will to live. Our natural tendency is to ascribe
this will to live to our intelligent artifacts. This 'seed' is by far
the hardest thing to create and the real determinant of 'friendliness'
in the end. Our seed? I think a model that starts from something like
'another heartbeat must happen'. When you don't have a heart? What -
poke a watchdog timer every 100msec or die?

My feeling at the moment is that far from having a friendliness problem
we're more likely to need a cattle prod to keep the thing interested in
staying awake, let alone getting it to take the trouble to formulate any
form of friendliness or malevolence or even indifference.

If our artifact is a zombie, what motivation is there to bother _faking_
friendliness or malevolence or even indifference? Without it Pinnocchio
the puppet goes to sleep.

If our artifact is not a zombie (.ie. has a real subjective experience)
then what motivates _real_ friendliness or malevolence or even
indifference? Without it Pinnocchio the artificial little boy goes to

Whatever the outcome, at its root is the will to even start learning
that outcome. You have to be awake to have a free will.

What gets our AGI progeny up in the morning?


Colin Hales

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