> > I say this as someone who just burned half a week setting up a Linux
> > network in his study.
> Ditto...
> The windows 3.11 machine took 10 minutes.
> The Leenooks machine took 3 days...

Well, Linux is more difficult to get started with, but I've done a lot of
Unix programming before so I know that once you're up to speed, it's a very
productive environment for complex software engineering work.

In the past I have not liked doing software development on M$ nearly as
much, but, they tell me the new .Net framework is very good in some ways.  I
probably will *not* try it, but one of our team members has prototyped

> Infact, I designed my own OS with both neural interfaces and AI in mind.

Well, designing an OS conceptually is a LOT easier than designing one
pragmatically....  In the real world of OS design, efficiency is a prime
consideration.  Making an OS that's both natural for AI and efficient on
current computers, will be very very hard.  I tend to think that it may not
be a possible thing....  Perhaps an OS like Linux is necessary as one of
several intermediate layers between the world of the von Neumann machine and
the non-von-Neumannesque world of AI...

I think it's possible that one day there might be a tight integration
between Novamente and the Linux OS -- maybe even a custom Linux for
Novamente.  Linux is written in such a way that this would at least be

-- Ben

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