On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 11:18:36PM -0800, Alan Grimes wrote:
> Damien Sullivan wrote:
> > Quite possibly.  But my point is that the evolutionary root _and_ 
> > guiding principle would be that of a (Unix, ahem) shell.
> Are you nuts?
> Unix is the most user-hostile system still in common use! PUKE!!!
> I use DOS for cryin out loud! (DOS is my benchmark OS.) 

Let's see, any way to respond to this without it being a usual OS flamewar?

To me, Windows is an precursor of AI gone wrong.  An opaquely complex system
full of little processes (I'm talking 98 or XP, not 3.1) with their own
agendas -- some in Microsoft's interest, some serving Microsoft's idea of my
interest, some serving third parties, some doing no one knows what.
Mysterious things happen, performance bogs, I have trouble telling what's
going on.

To me, Unix is a contrasting precursor of the way service AI should be.  It
works.  It does what I want.  It's transparent -- man pages, human-readable
text configuration files, informative disk and process listings -- so I can
see what's going on.  It's not as friendly up front as Mac or Windows, but
it's much friendlier inside -- it serves me, and I can verify this.

And DOS is one of those robots which take half an hour to walk across an empty
room, too dumb to be a threat...

-xx- Damien X-) 

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