Pei wrote:
> Right. Again let's use NARS as a concrete example.  It can answer
> questions,
> but if you ask the same question twice to the system at different
> time, you
> may get different answers. In this sense, there is no algorithm that takes
> the question as input, and produces an unique answer as output.
> You may say
> that there is still an algorithm (or many algorithms) in the system, which
> take many other factors into account in producing answers, which I agree
> (simply because that is how NARS is coded), but still, there is no single
> algorithm that is soly responsible for the question-answering process, and
> that is the point.

Pei!!  I get the feeling you are using a very nonstandard definition of
"algorithm" !!

>The cooperations of many algorithms, under the
> influence
> of many factors beside the current input, is not necessarily equivalent to
> an algorithm, or a Turing machine, as defined in the Theory of
> Computation.
> The main idea in Turing Computation is that the machine serves as
> a function
> that maps each input uniquely into an output. Intelligence, with its
> adaptivity and flexivity, should not been seen as such a fixed mapping.


Consider a Turing machine with three tapes:

* input
* output
* internal state

Then the correct statement is that the Turing machine maps each (input,
internal state) pair into a unique output.

This is just like NARS.  If you know its input and its internal state, you
can predict its output.  (Remember, even if there is a quasi-random number
generator in there, this generator is actually a deterministic algorithm
whose output can be predicted based on its current state).

The mapping from NARS into a 3-tape Turing machine is more natural than the
mapping from NARS into a standard 1-tape Turing machine.

BUT, it is well-known that there is bisimulation between 3-tape and 1-tape
Turing machines.  This bisimulation result shows that NARS can be mapped
into a 1-tape Turing machine...

The bisimulation between 3-tape and 1-tape Turing machines is expensive, but
that only shows that the interpretation of NARS as a 1-tape Turing machine
is *awkward and unnatural*, not that it is impossible.

> I'm not asking about whether it "could" --- of course I can image an
> algorithm that does nothing but take my email as input, and produce the
> above reply of yours as output.  I just don't believe it is how your mind
> works.  For one thing, to use an algorithm to solve a problem means, by
> definition, if I repeat the question, you'll repeat the answer.
> Since I know
> you in person, I'm sure you are more adaptive than that.  ;-)

You should broaden your definition of algorithms to include algorithms with

This is standard in CS too -- e.g. the theory of stack automata...

You should say

"to use a deterministic algorithm to solve a problem means, by
 definition, if I repeat the question and you have the same internal state
as the first time I asked the question, you'll repeat the answer."

Shane has a memory.  So does a simple stack automaton.

But they're both basically deterministic robots ;-)

[though Shane has more capability to amplify "chance" (i.e. too complex for
the observer to understand) fluctuations into big patterns than a simple
stack automaton, which is related with his greater degree of

-- ben

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