> I can spot the problem in AIXI because I have practice looking for silent
> failures, because I have an underlying theory that makes it immediately
> obvious which useful properties are formally missing from AIXI, and
> because I have a specific fleshed-out idea for how to create
> moral systems
> and I can see AIXI doesn't work that way.  Is it really all that
> implausible that you'd need to reach that point before being able to
> create a transhuman Novamente?  Is it really so implausible that AI
> morality is difficult enough to require at least one completely dedicated
> specialist?
> --
> Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                          http://singinst.org/

There's no question you've thought a lot more about AI morality than I
have... and I've thought about it a fair bit.

When Novamente gets to the point that its morality is a significant issue,
I'll be happy to get you involved in the process of teaching the system,
carefully studying the design and implementation, etc.

-- Ben G

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