What would help me to understand this idea would be to understand in more detail what kinds of rules you want to hardwire.
Do you want to hardwire, for instance, a rule like "Don't kill people."
And then give it rough rule-based definitions of "don't", "kill" and "people", and count on learning to augment/replace these definitions?
Or do you want to hardwire rules at a finer-grained level?
 And maybe by pursuing both routes simulaneously you might generate more goodwill that might increase the resourcing levels a bit further down the track. 
Well, the bottom line is that the hard-wiring approach doesn't make that much intuitive sense to me.  But I could be wrong, I've been wrong plenty of times before.
We're going to have the Novamente book published before we have a super-smart Novamente ready.  So, hopefully someone will read the book and formulate a good approach to hard-wiring ethical rules, in detail....  If it makes enough sense I'll be convinced that it's the way to do things....  I'm not closed-minded about it, i just don't see why it's a good idea yet, and I don't have enough intuition for your idea to design something in detail based on it myself...
-- Ben+

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