----- Original Message ----
From: Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:26:15 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [agi] Natural versus formal AI interface languages

>Here is how I intend to use Lojban++ in teaching Novamente.  When
>Novamente is controlling a humanoid agent in the AGISim simulation
>world, the human teacher talks to it about what it is doing.  I would
>like the human teacher to talk to it in both Lojban++ and English, at
>the same time.  According to my understanding of Novamente's learning
>and reasoning methods, this will be the optimal way of getting the
>system to understand English.  At once, the system will get a
>perceptual-motor grounding for the English sentences, plus an
>understanding of the logical meaning of the sentences.  I can think of
>no better way to help a system understand English.  Yes, this is not
>the way humans do it. But so what?  Novamente does not have a human
>brain, it has a different sort of infrastructure with different
>strengths and weaknesses.

What about using "baby English" instead of an artificial language?  By this I 
mean simple English at the level of a 2 or 3 year old child.  Baby English has 
many of the properties that make artificial languages desirable, such as a 
small vocabulary, simple syntax and lack of ambiguity.  Adult English is 
ambiguous because adults can use vast knowledge and context to resolve 
ambiguity in complex sentences.  Children lack these abilities.

I don't believe it is possible to map between natural and structured language 
without solving the natural language modeling problem first.  I don't believe 
that having structured knowledge or a structured language available makes the 
problem any easier.  It is just something else to learn.  Humans learn natural 
language without having to learn structured languages, grammar rules, knowledge 
representation, etc.  I realize that Novamente is different from the human 
brain.  My argument is based on the structure of natural language, which is 
vastly different from artificial languages used for knowledge representation.  
To wit:

- Artificial languages are designed to be processed (translated or compiled) in 
the order: lexical tokenization, syntactic parsing, semantic extraction.  This 
does not work for natural language.  The correct order is the order in which 
children learn: lexical, semantics, syntax.  Thus we have successful language 
models that extract semantics without syntax (such as information retrieval and 
text categorization), but not vice versa.

- Artificial language has a structure optimized for serial processing.  Natural 
language is optimized for parallel processing.  We resolve ambiguity and errors 
using context.  Context detection is a type of parallel pattern recognition.  
Patterns can be letters, groups of letters, words, word categories, phrases, 
and syntactic structures.  We recognize and combine perhaps tens or hundreds of 
patterns simultaneously by matching to perhaps 10^5 or more from memory.  
Artificial languages have no such mechanism and cannot tolerate ambiguity or 

- Natural language has a structure that allows incremental learning.  We can 
add words to the vocabulary one at a time.  Likewise for phrases, idioms, 
classes of words and syntactic structures.  Artificial languages must be 
processed by fixed algorithms.  Learning algorithms are unknown.

- Natural languages evolve slowly in a social environment.  Artificial 
languages are fixed according to some specificiation.

- Children can learn natural languages.  Artificial languages are difficult to 
learn even for adults.

- Writing in an artificial language is an iterative process in which the output 
is checked for errors by a computer and the utterance is revised.  Natural 
language uses both iterative and forward error correction.

By "natural language" I include man made languages like Esperanto.  Esperanto 
was designed for communication between humans and has all the other properties 
of natural language.  It lacks irregular verbs and such, but this is really a 
tiny part of a language's complexity.  A natural language like English has a 
complexity of about 10^9 bits.  How much information does it take to list all 
the irregularities in English like swim-swam, mouse-mice, etc?
-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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