Richard Loosemore wrote:
This is a question directed at this whole thread, about simplifying language to communicate with an AI system, so we can at least get something working, and then go from there....

This rationale is the very same rationale that drove researchers into Blocks World programs. Winograd and SHRDLU, etc. It was a mistake then: it is surely just as much of a mistake now.
Richard Loosemore.
Not surely. It's definitely a defensible position, but I don't see any evidence that it has even a 50% probability of being correct.

Also I'm not certain that SHRDLU and Blocks World were mistakes. They didn't succeed in their goals, but they remain as important markers. At each step we have limitations imposed by both our knowledge and our resources. These limits aren't constant. (P.S.: I'd throw Eliza into this same category...even though the purpose behind Eliza was different.)

Think of the various approaches taken as being experiments with the user interface...since that's a large part of what they were. They are, of course, also experiments with how far one can push a given technique before encountering a combinatorial explosion. People don't seem very good at understanding that intuitively. In neural nets this same problem re-appears as saturation, the point at which as you learn new things old things become fuzzier and less certain. This may have some relevance to the way that people are continually re-writing their memories whenever they remember something.

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