
I think an interesting goal would be to teach an AGI to write software.  If I 
understand your explanation, this is the same problem.

Yeah, it's the same problem.

It's a very small step from Lojban to a programming language, and in
fact Luke Kaiser and I have talked about making a programming language
syntax based on Lojban, using his Speagram program interpreter

The nice thing about Lojban is that it does have the flexibility to be
used as a pragmatic programming language (tho no one has done this
yet), **or** to be used to describe everyday situations in the manner
of a natural language....

> How could such an AGI be built?   What would be its architecture?
What learning algorithm?  What training data?  What computational

Well, I think Novamente is one architecture that can achieve this....
But I do not know what the computational cost will be, as Novamente is
too complicated to support detailed theoretical calculations of its
computational cost in realistic situations.  I have my estimates of
the computational cost, but validating them will have to wait till the
project progresses further...


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