--- Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> rooftop8000 wrote:
> > Hi, I've been thinking for a bit about how a big collaboration AI project
> > could work. I browsed the archives and i see you guys have similar
> > ideas....
> >
> > I'd love to see someone build a system that is capable of adding any
> > kind of AI algorithm/idea to. It should unite the power of all existing
> > different flavors: neural nets, logical systems, etc
> The Novamente core system actually does fits this description, but
> 1)
> the API is in some places inelegant, though we have specific
> plans for improving it
> 2)
> it's C++, which some folks don't like
> 3)
> it currently only runs on Unix systems, though a Windows port
> will likely be made during the next month, as it happens
> 4)
> it is proprietary
> If there would be use for such a thing, I would consider open-sourcing
> the Novamente core system, separate from the specific learning modules
> we have created to go with it.  I would only do so after the inelegancies
> mentioned above (point 1) are resolved though.

what kind of things does it contain that will facilitate a big collaboration?
(because you only list the negative points)

> My own view these days is that a wild combination of agents is
> probably not the right approach, in terms of building AGI. 
> Novamente consists of a set of agents that have been very carefully
> sculpted to work together in such a way as to (when fully implemented
> and tuned) give rise to the right overall emergent structures.
> The Webmind system I was involved with in the late 90's was more
> of a heterogeneous agents architecture, but through that experience
> I became convinced that such an approach, while workable in principle,
> has too much potential to lead to massive-dimensional parameter-
> tuning nightmares...

not if you let everyone take care of their own piece of code.
i think it is unavoidable to have a large degree of heterogeneity
in the system (modules), if you want it to handle a wide range of

> This gets into my biggest dispute w/Minsky (and Push Singh): they
> really think intelligence is just about hooking together a sufficiently
> powerful community of agents/critics/resources whatever, whereas
> I think it's about hooking together a community of learning algorithms
> that is specifically configured to give rise to the right emergent
> structures/dynamics. 

I agree. picking a small subset of algorithms gives you an easier
and prettier system. But you can never make sure you have the right ones.
Combining a lot of imperfect ones is just more likely to give a more
powerful system. 

I'd love to hear more about what the Novamente core system can offer

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