> If you were introducing a radically new programming paradigm for AGI, I
> would be more interested....  Not that I think this is necessary to
> achieve AGI, but I would find it more intellectually stimulating ;-)

If you care to detail what kind of problem or structure you find hard to
deal with in C++ or other major languages, I would be interested either on
or off list.  I have created some primitives that return the difference or
similarity of both meta data and value data in objects.  By combining a few
methods, I can easily categorize an object into a class of objects and using
weights predict what the object is based on less the total information.  I
have extensive built-in parsing of character strings based on a character,
list of keywords etc.  A single version of my encode method can produce the
HTML given some wiki text.  XML can be decoded directly in a tree object as
well as any branch of the Class or Object hierarchies.

> Regarding languages, I personally am a big fan of both Ruby and
> Haskell.  But, for Novamente we use C++ for reasons of scalability.

With your huge investment in C++ code, I would be leery of any suggestion of
language change as well.  It is hard to evaluate the robustness and
scalability of a language from only documentation where the actual code
isn't available yet.  I think once you actually get a copy, you might just
change your mind about the scalability and speed of this system but I know
all that probably won't be enough for you to switch.  Just you having a
small interest in the outcome of this project as it goes forward would be
great for me.

-- David Clark

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