According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.


Well, this gets at the crux of our disagreement.

I have my doubts that such a theory is possible.  I think it may be
possible to create a general theory of "roughly human level intelligence"
just as Hutter and colleagues seem to be hot on the trail of a general
theory of "near infinite computational power intelligence".

But I suspect that computer systems with processing power and memory
vastly greater than humans but vastly less than is needed for algorithms
like Hutter's AIXItl to be possible, will display forms of intelligence that
aren't covered by either the Hutter-type theories, nor the theories covering
roughly-human-level intelligence...

True, there may be commonalities between sub-AIXItl-level superhuman, human
level, and AIXItl level intelligences.  But, I suspect the differences will
at least as dramatic...

As examples, I think that the sorts of self, awareness and "perceived free
will" that characterize human mind may not apply to all superhuman

I can certainly imagine a superhuman AGI whose cognition is governed by
complex, emergent patterns that are beyond human comprehension.  I might
be able to understand in some general sense that its behaviors are guided
by emergent patterns, that it seems to be engaged in calculating
etc. -- but the main structures and dynamics guiding its cognition might be
new principles, which apply only to minds vastly smarter than humans and
can't be grokked by mere human brains...

-- Ben

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