On 4/19/07, Russell Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh, I agree with your emphasis on producing something useful.

I think the ability to generate 3D images and video on demand will be very
useful in areas like movies, video games, mechanical engineering,
architecture; my vision of what an AGI should look like could be described
as a smart CAD program.

Now, I agree answering commonsense queries would also be useful, and by
all means let that also be a feature. But what will happen to a project that
focuses _only_ on text I/O? I can answer that: short-term progress using
tricks akin to Eliza, Google etc will be so much easier than chewing on the
hard problems of spatial reasoning etc, that the pressure to use the tricks
will be overwhelming. I don't have the self-discipline that would be
required to stick to the hard long-term path in the absence of any visual
output. I don't believe anyone has. So while such a project may produce
improved versions of Eliza, Google etc, it can never produce AGI.

Now I see your point...  But video generation is a creative process that is
best done with the planning / acting part of the AGI.  Right now I tend to
focus on the knowledge maintenance part.  Let's say AGI = knowing +
acting (eg, Cyc focuses on knowledge, whereas Soar and ACT-R focus on

Very often you *cannot* directly translate a representation in memory to a
video sequence.  For example, with "there is a book on the table", one can
1. wood or glass tabletop?
2. hardcover or paperback book?
3. is the book open? etc...
It is actually a creative process to render what is in the 'mind' to a
visual form.  In a sense it is similar to the task of NL generation.

A second example is to "imagine a certain girl".  Now the AGI may have to
fill in a lot of visual details (face, clothing, etc) that aren't really
there in the memory.  And if the AGI draws a stick figure to represent her,
that is a creative process.

I guess it's good for the AGI to have the ability to draw things or render
things in video, but this function may not be implementable as a direct


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