
The conscious mind thinks literally, freely. How long it will spend on any
given decision, and what course of thought it will pursue in reaching that
decision are definitely NOT set, but free.

Ah, well, I'm glad to see the age-old problem of free will versus
determinism is solved now!  Mike has spoken!! ;-)

Seriously ... have you read Libet's work on free will and the brain?  Have
you read Dennett's book "Freedom Evolves"?  How about "The Illusion of
Conscious Will"?

The illusion of free will is a pretty subtle issue.  I have made my own
hypothesis regarding the sort of mechanism that underlies it in the human
mind/brain, which is described in my 2006 book "the Hidden Pattern" and in
preliminary form here:


You guys are clearly moving that way - but still appear to have a somewhat
confused philosophical understanding of why all this is really necessary.

Mike ... really ... has it ever occurred to you that you might NOT have a
deeper understanding of these issues than people who have read all the
existing literature on the topics and thought about them for decades??

On some topics, naive intuition can be misleading.  Especially topics that
involve illusions we humans have **evolved** to hold intuitively, so as to
make our lives simpler...

Please note that the naive notion of freedom you advocate contradicts all
known physics including quantum physics and (all currently seriously debated
variants of) quantum gravity.  (As an aside, it also contradicts most
mystical and spiritualistic thinking which denies the typical, naive Western
over-hyping of the "autonomous individual.")

I remember a story by Kafka about a monkey trapped in a cage, who developed
human-level intelligence with the goal of escaping the cage.  I don't recall
the wording but , translated into Goertzel-ese idiom, Kafka wrote something
like: "The monkey was not seeking freedom.  By no means.  Freedom is just a
complicated illusion.  What the monkey was seeking was something simpler and
more profound and important: **a way out** "


This monkey is also seeking a way out, and I don't think the old illusions
of free will are necessary (or sufficient) for this purpose...

-- Ben G

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