On 5/31/07, J. Andrew Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 30, 2007, at 11:57 PM, Samantha Atkins wrote:
> J. Andrew Rogers wrote:
>> All patents are ideas and algorithms.
> Not quite.  Would you patent the quadratic equation?  How about
> Newtonian approximation?  Means of computing logarithms?

The nice thing about algorithms is that there are so many of them.
One of the disingenuous arguments against algorithm patents is that
it prevents people from doing things.  That is patently false.

Actually patents are commonly filed to be as broad as possible.  So a very
specific way of doing X will be filed as a patent on X.  Also some things
are so obvious that they are very likely to be invented over and over
again.  The 1-Click patent held by Amazon is a good case in point.  Why
should everyone have to license or not use something so obvious?

algorithm patents do is, at worst, make you use an older and less
efficient algorithm to accomplish the exact same thing or expend the
effort to invent your own version.

"All"?  Than is certainly not  "all".

If any average person can churn
out fantastic new algorithms with only nominal effort then it means
that virtually everyone in the software industry is a bloody imbecile
because virtually no one does it.  Yes, there are a lot of frivolous
patents (of all types), but there are also non-frivolous ones (of all
types) -- a separate issue.

There is also the small matter of prior art.  I did a LOT of work in
distributed objects and object persistence in the mid 80s.  But at the time
software patents were just not done, at least not by my company.  About
eight years ago I looked up patents in this area to see that Sun and IBM had
a number in these areas that my work in the 80s certainly was  relevant to
and much earlier.  But since  the company and I did not keep sufficient
records and since I cannot afford to challenge them myself the current
practice would restrict me in some cases from using what I myself invented
long ago.   That is not healthy.

Patents are meant to spread the fruit of innovation while
> encouraging more innovation.  Software patents quite arguably fail
> at both.

Nothing in this assertion is not equally applicable to *all*
patents.  Most non-software patents are frivolous, so an argument on
that basis would be pretty irrelevant.  As I originally stated, I'm
looking for consistency and nothing more.  Any defense of non-
software patents is equally applicable to software patents, potential
ignorance of that fact notwithstanding.

I do not agree that all patentable things are equal.  I believe that
software algorithms are much more fine grained and inter-related and
independently discoverable than say newly machine inventions.

A better question is this: what new applications are magically
enabled by a new algorithm, and if the effort is so trivial why
haven't you developed these algorithms?

Triviality is not remotely the only argument against software patents.

- samantha

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