On Jun 1, 2007, at 4:07 PM, Bob Mottram wrote:

Although I'm an open source fan I don't think I would ever sign up to
the things you're proposing.  Forcing developers to pay a fee before
they use your system simply ensures that no developers will join your

Yep. Calling such a system "open source" is a bad joke. It certainly can't be certified as Open Source.

 The whole saga of non-disclosure, identity verification,
anti-competitiveness and software patents I find quite nauseating, as
the saying goes "like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much
loved friend".  When true AGI emerges I sincerely hope that it does
not appear within the confines of this kind of restrictive system.

Yes. It is hard to get to anything at all utopian when massively better technology gets applied in the service of such restriction on thoughts, ideas and the flow of information and creativity.

Powerful new technology concentrated into the hands of a few
individuals who exclusively monopolise its use could cause a great
deal of damage in my opinion, and hinder its wider application
especially within developing countries.

We see a lot of this today. They become "pirates" or go with F/OSS solutions.

- samantha

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