>But you haven't answered my question.  How do you test if a machine is
>conscious, and is therefore (1) dangerous, and (2) deserving of human rights?

Easily, once it acts autonomously, not based on your direct given goals and 
orders, when it begins acting and generating its own new goals.  
After that all bets are off, and its a 'being' in its own right.

James Ratcliff

Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: --- Mark Waser  wrote:

> >> Belief in consciousness and belief in free will are parts of the human 
> >> brain's
> >> programming.  If we want an AGI to obey us, then we should not program 
> >> these
> >> beliefs into it.
> Are we positive that we can avoid doing so?  Can we prevent others from 
> doing so?

We have discussed friendly AI at length.  As far as I know, we cannot
guarantee an AI will be friendly, any more than we can guarantee that software
will be free of bugs.  The obstacle is not our lack of effort, but a
fundamental limitation of algorithmic complexity theory.

But programming a belief of consciousness or free will seems to be a hard
problem, that has no practical benefit anyway.  It seems to be easier to build
machines without them.  We do it all the time.

> >> including systems that exceed human intelligence, such as Google.
> Google doesn't exceed human intelligence.  You aren't worth debating with if
> you truly believe such things. 

Google (the search engine) has a larger memory and greater processing speed
than the human brain with respect to language.  These are two possible ways in
which intelligence can be measured.  But since we lack a definition of
intelligence that we can all agree on, you are free to change the rules every
time a machine threatens human supremacy, and you will win every time.

But you haven't answered my question.  How do you test if a machine is
conscious, and is therefore (1) dangerous, and (2) deserving of human rights?

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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