There is so little effort being invested in AGI research and
development worldwide at the present time that it may be worth joining
an existing project such as Novamente if you believe your ideas are
similar enough to be somewhat harmonious.  A few collective efforts
may be able to achieve more in a given amount of time than the lone
maverick programmer, although I know from experience that's not always

On 06/06/07, YKY (Yan King Yin) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/6/07, Joel Pitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> YKY,
> A suggestion, if you really are motivated by $$ and getting rich, why
> not focus on other much easier problems that will still potentially
> make you bucket-loads money?

I have this slightly crazy idea of selling the project's AGI prototype
software en bloc even when it is not very useful, as a toy for users to
explore.  This may actually generate income if users find it interesting.

I guess everyone has slightly different ambitions, priorities, and
circumstances.  I plan to work on AGI full-time (as I'm not good at anything
else!) and thus I need to make money from it.  I also really want to earn
what is commensurate to my input, an insistence not shared by some here.

> Contra to you, I wanted to spend time on AGI, but wasn't motivated by
> money. However, the easiest path I can foresee, where I'm able to work
> on AGI, is to make money through one of several business ideas, or
> just earn large amounts of cash for a global consultancy firm. Once I
> have enough to either: spend several years working voluntarily on an
> AGI project, or have enough to assist in funding one (possibly
> Novamente, since I spent some time playing with it for a grad project
> and generally agree with the direction Ben's been taking it); then
> I'll change on to the track I really want to be on.

My AGI ideas are very close to Ben's, but I'm not sure if he'll accept my
suggestions if I work for him.  And I can already see some superficial
differences in our AGIs.  That's why I'm vacillating between starting a new
project or joining Novamente...

YKY ________________________________
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